Wednesday, August 20, 2008

High Quality Web Hosting

Every website owner/creator/to-be-owner/to-be-creator/ anything-else-related-to-needing-web-hosting-er wants and needs high quality web hosting. Without quality, web hosting is essentially useless. After all, no quality means no consistent uptime and no reliability, both of which are mandatory for maintaining a solid web presence and meeting objectives. Thus, the search begins for high quality web hosting, which most likely is what landed you here. I myself have been through many web hosts over the years, but now I've found one that I can honestly say I'm %99 sure I will never leave.

Who is this almighty web host that provides high quality web hosting that has somehow managed to secure my undying love? Well, if I told you now that would ruin the story, and who likes spoilers?

But then again...maybe I'll break up the story, put it in multiple pages, a day by day of what happened, because after all I have been taking notes. You tend to keep track of everything when you've been through as many different web hosts as I have (otherwise it's mind numbing).

At any rate, I suppose I'll let you know which web host it is, otherwise you'll end up having to read all my posts wondering, and that might get somewhat annoying, especially if you are in urgent need of web hosting. The host is....drum roll.....Hostamina. Their website can be found at Web Hosting is their middle name....not really. But the service they provide is extremely personalized and helpful to the point where I literally wanted to cry...but somehow, I managed to hold back the tears....(sarcasm). But honestly, their service IS really really good. You would be surprised how much a company can actually care about their customers.

Anyway, that's enough of an overview for now, check out my following posts for more of the nitty gritty details on how I managed to fall in love with this web host. I would have put this blog on there, but I like having this directly linked to my gmail and adsense accounts, and this blog isn't really that important other than for me to praise a hosting company...which really isn't that's more like something a person does when they're bored...which I am, but that's off the point...which is....I forgot....

Anyways, is the place.



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Anonymous said...

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